{Logo1} __ /__\ // \\ //....\\ // \\ ________ _____ ________ _______ ________ ____ ______ __ __ <<........>> I....../ I.__/ I....../ I.._..I \__..__/ [..] I....I I.\ II \\ // I ____/ II__ I _ _/ I [_] I II II I I II\\ II \\....// II I.__> II \.\ I.___.I II II I.[].I II \\II \\__// II_ II___ II_ \ \_ II_ _II _II_ _II_ I I _II \ I_ \__/ \_/ I___/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \__/ \__/ I____I \_/ \_/ ..... O . V . E . R . K . I . L . L ..... I I {Logo2} "Complex, we've lost contact of the Hydrite regiment. Over." "HX-909, what's your location?" "Complex, we've just picked up something BIG on the infrared. Over." "Standby HX-909, we're sending backup. Over." "What the... AAAAAAH!" "HX-909, what's happening? HX-909, please reply." {Logo3} . He's back. ____ [====] _ /%%/) |O| /%%/ /~~~| | | _______/%%/_________ /`o o | | | ./""""""""""""::::""""\__| |____| |_____ ....../:|_________ :::::::::""`------'""""|o|"""""|---I-----------, |====| \ ====================------.. `|--------------' |====| `\________________________----~~~~~~ |====|. ~~~~~ And who says he isn't here to stay... {Logo4} 10 years later... _________________________ |_~``````````````````````_( _____ __ |_____________________| ___ |/=== |-------II---------||----------||----------------|"""| |/=== |:::::::II:::::::O=======(::::::::: ... ________|"""| |/=== |_______II______________________________/ `---' `-----' |_______ ___ _ _____ _ ______| |=======|_))|@|_|~~((____) | < `=======' |ZZZ| /%/ ...Overkill II |ZZZ| /%/ |ZZZ| /%/ `---' `--' {Logo5} ;. .; `ii iI' `Ii iI' `Ii iI' `Ii iI' `Ii iI' `Ii O P E R A T I O N iI' `Ii iI' `Ii Overkill II iI' `Ii _ _ iI' _~<\ _)) ((_/>~_ ((_//\_/ \_/\\_)) \_/\.\ /./\_/ \.\ /./ (__) (__) {EndOfLogos}